I believe:
1. Using AI art takes work from human artists and creators, many of whom are attempting to make a living from the products they are producing.
2. AI Art programs draw from work of artists and designers without their consent or compensating them.
3. It fails to value the experiences, practice and skill development of all artists and creators in their creative journey. There is so much more behind any piece of art and skill than dots on a page.
My goal is traditional publishing. This means I am working with small press and publishing houses all over the world. Traditional publishing means you are working with a publisher or publishing space to make decisions. Contracts can be signed years before something hits the shelves.
I am a fledgling author. I don't have an agent, I am still learning, and I am so grateful for all the publishing companies and magazines who have and are supporting me. Every one one of these are run with huge amount of volunteer hours, often (if not always) from their home or garage, with their own money, by people who do this for the love of reading and readers, with the goal to support their authors.
Some publishers and magazines have given me a choice on whether my work is supported by AI Art or not. I so appreciate this, and will always choose to use non-AI art.
Most places do not give you a choice. I recognise that I have worked with, and will continue to work with magazines, publishers and creative spaces that have different opinions about the use of AI art than myself. I respect them, their position and their right to decide how they position their business.
- Where there's a choice to use non-AI art (or non AI-editing software) I will always, always use non-AI Art. I suspect more places will move in this direction into the future. I will certainly be supporting places that give authors a choice.
- I will use whatever teeny tiny privilege I have as a fledgling author to advocate for magazines and publishers to offer a choice to use non-AI images.
- I will make every effort to negotiate non-AI art, particularly in book covers, particularly where there is a royalty arrangement (where myself and the publisher continue to make money off the sale of that book).
- I will start conversations about this issue is any space I am privileged enough to be standing in. This includes how AI programs are used in managing slush piles, submissions and editing.
- I will continue to learn about the programs I am using, including the ones I use every day to create content, to try and steer away from AI Art where this is an option. I hope this will become easier as more and more people take a position around this and programs offer a choice.
- I will continue to have amazing conversations with amazing people in all creative and publishing spaces about this issue and I will be honest about where I stand on this and what I have learned
I commit to being very keen to listen and to continue to learn.
Do you have some ideas of other things I could do to add to this list? Is there something I have not thought of?
Drop me a line, pop by and chat to me at an event. I am always open to hearing any opinion and I would love to know what you think :-)