The use of sensitivity or trigger warnings is a divisive topic. My position is we need to ensure information is available to assist readers feel better prepared, informed and safe in their reading experience. My position is sensitivity warnings are NOT marketing or selling tools.
Warnings on PUBLISHED pieces only. I recognise my privilege as someone who does not need to check trigger/sensitivity warnings before immersing myself in someone else's work. Feel free to contact me through the "contact" form with any feedback on how to do this in a more trauma informed way
The God-Wife Reborn contains potentially sensitive content. Topics include substance use, grief, religious trauma, reference to sexual assault, reference to past child abuse and misogyny, and sex scenes.
Note: whilst sex scenes appear consensual, some sex/intimate scenes verge into dub-con due to master/slave relationship or paid service roles
With FULL consent:
Verges into dub-con:
Darker themes including coerced adoption due to power dynamics, grief/loss, reference to religious trauma and reference to death/resurrection in a magical system
Reference to medical news/terminal diagnosis
Mild themes of mental health, themes of grief/loss, mild themes of suicide ideation
Scene of supernatural sexual activity (with consent) that people may find disturbing
Themes of suicide (off-screen suicidal behaviour)
Self harm
Domestic violence
Themes of mental health/trauma of young carer
Brief scene of violence/cruelty at the end of the piece