I had a crack at making home-made, character inspired essential oil soy candles inspired by characters in my new steamy sci-fi novel: The God-Wife Reborn. These are in very small supply, only available at events where I am at (first in, first served!).
Playful, silly and defiant, socialite and career courtesan Ophelia is worshipped and abhorred. Ophelia is yet another point her thundering tyrant of a husband is making. Passionate and hedonistic, grieving and traumatised, Ophelia's behaviour is reckless, silly and entertaining.
Scent: Rose geranium and black pepper
Ophelia is the sassy off-beat protagonist and POV of the novel. Ophelia has spent a life-time recreating herself through dark and traumatic events and always claws her way to the top - at any price. She is playful, dazzling and fun. Her wild behaviour distracts her from every sad thought and works to confuse and baffle her minders.
Ophelia's ridiculous behaviour creates tiny spaces of defiance and freedom. Little splashes of resistance, flying under the radar of her thundering tyrant of a husband in her mask of 'silliness'. No God or power, no world or army can stand against the blazing might of Peter. But, Ophelia? Ophelia is standing right at Peter’s feet. Being ‘silly’.
Ophelia measures her worth in the way she looks (or, more specifically, the way men relate to her looks). She is a product of her toxic damaging world - where religious and political juggernauts convert or steam-roll over diversity, where the voices and whims of those with money and power take violent central stage.
Ophelia’s silliness, her trauma-responsive behaviours and self-centered view of the world means she causes harm to others. Survivors do not always ‘pop’ out of trauma sweet and kind, palatable and agreeable. Ophelia’s exploitation and trauma has left her reckless, prone to self-harm and in a spiral of self-destruction.
Astrael is an elvin king with broken but God-like powers. He is grieving the loss of his family and culture, particularly his brother, who he believed was the key to saving his people and resurrecting their lost homeworld. Frustrated and depressed, he is drowning in a sea of failed politics.
Scent: Pettigrain and black pepper
Astrael is incredibly powerful with God-like powers. He raised his younger brother Sorrow in the ruins of his depleted, collapsing world. He is very intense and cares deeply, but helplessness and rage has spiraled this in on itself, fracturing his power and his sanity.
Ten years ago, Astrael's brother Sorrow abandoned his people and world and fled into the stars, chasing Ophelia and Peter on their quest to make Peter (a human) God of the universe. Due to Ophelia's drunkenness and neglect, Sorrow died. Neither Ophelia or Astrael have recovered from their grief.
Astrael's unstable collapsing power causes endless rain and flooding. His complete lack of leadership or belief in himself have collapsed his economy. In his mind, Sorrow was the only key and salvation to his culture and people. Sorrow was their only way back to tragic, lost Alfheim. Who does Astrael blame for this calamity? Ophelia.
Arial is Ophelia's enslaved demon bodyguard. She is forever at Ophelia's side, serving as a companion, advisor, side-kick and audience to Ophelia's silliness and games. She is the only long-term relationship wild, reckless, ridiculous Ophelia has ever maintained.
Scent: Orange and cedarwood
Arial is a demon, exceedingly rare in this universe. There is an old story that whenever an angel cuts its way into this reality, a demon is yanked in to balance this out. Arial is in this universe and Ophelia's company against her will.
Arial is forever dismantling spells, recognising danger and saving Ophelia. She is the voice of reason and Ophelia's sounding board. She is frustrated and defiant but also a playful, reliable and intelligent companion.
Arial is enslaved to Ophelia, so gives the bare minimum to keep her mistress alive. She claims to despise Ophelia and denies they are friends, frustrated by Ophelia's outlandish behaviour.
Arial swings between being the voice of common sense and enabling Ophelia's foolishness. She keeps her secrets and true nature a carefully guarded secret. Ophelia may have enslaved her body and her magic, forcing Arial into service, but she does not have Arial's heart.