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Signed in as:
I am so grateful to have found beautiful homes for so many of my pieces. A big thank you to all the magazines and publishers that support emerging writers :-) I want to continue to learn what is marketable and to continue to improve my products and craft
Corvid Queen
COMING IN 2026: 9th of January 2026
The Tension Between (3500 words)
The Tension Between has been accepted into this beautiful journal of feminist faerytales.
This is a grimmer, darker, reflective, end of world fantasy piece with mythological themes and references.
Publishing date: 9th January 2026!
Publisher TBA
Travel, the Boy and the Anchor (1500 words)
Contract signed!
A darker more reflective piece of fantasy.
TBA on publishing date and publisher. This piece will be behind a paywall on a Patreon account.
Metastellar, Best of Year Four
COMING SOON: Estimated to release in June 2025
Affordable Resurrection (1600 words)
PLUS Snoogle Hunt (1000 words)
Both pieces are slightly humorous modern feel fantasy pieces, one about a necromancer and the student he is mentoring. The other about middle aged wizards embarking on new hobbies.
Very rough guesstimates of when this anthology might be out is June 2025, but I will update if this changes!
Crow & Cross Keys
Reprint short story - TBA
More to come closer to the date!
Publishing some time in May 2025.
96th of October
1st of December 2024
Fish or Chips (2000 words)
A short, slightly humorous fantasy adventure piece was accepted into THIS amazing magazine! It has been a dream of mine to be accepted into 96th of October for as long as I have been submitting. Over the years they have rejected 11 other pieces. But - accepted this one! Yay!
A warm, amusing piece of fantasy about unlikely allies working dead-end jobs in the Hell-Colony, wishing for more.
Check it out here:
And, check out other fabulous short stories and this super cute supportive magazine here:
Metastellar Magazine featured "Heaven-Sent" (reprint) (800 words) in its storytime project on Youtube. Presented by Andrea Goyan and read aloud by E.E King. This is only my second short story EVER to feature as an audio project!
Out now and FREE to read!
Heaven-Sent (800 words) was first published by Metastellar as a reprint (featuring on my website first) in September 2022.
Check it out here:
20 June 2024
Snoogle Hunt (1000 words)
Metastellar Magazine has been hugely supportive of my reprints, but I have not had any luck with their briefly-opened new fiction windows. Until now!!! Whoot!
They accepted and published Snoogle Hunt!
Available FREE to read here:
Other great new flash fiction available here:
June 2024
Resurrecting Tessa (2000 words)
Resurrecting Tessa is an older piece and a personal favourite of mine. It has a darker more reflective bend than most of my work. It's an attempt at soaking a lifetime of sorrow and regret in 2000 words through a quaint sci-fi fantasy mashup.
(There are sensitivity warnings for this piece - check out my sensitivity warning page for details)
Resurrecting Tessa is published here:
Check out this beautiful magazine, here:
The God-Wife Reborn (sci fi/fantasy novel)
Publishing through a local (Brisbane Australia) publisher via a traditional publishing contract: Interactive Publications
More info on 'Novels' tab!
8 March 2024
Affordable Resurrection (1600 words)
Affordable Resurrection, previously published in Teleport Magazine (which has closed), has been accepted as a reprint into Metastellar Magazine!
Affordable Resurrection is a irreverent (hopefully) lightly amusing piece of fast fiction following the adventures of a necromancer and his trainee in their not-so-glamourous job. Budget necromancers, anyone?
Check out Affordable Resurrection here:
And this fabulously professional, beautiful and supportive magazine here:
March 2024
Sparkle (3000 words)
Sparkle was accepted into the very first magazine it was submitted to, for the themed open call it was written to respond to!
Sparkle is a piece of modern feel lit fic with speculative elements. The story is about the role our nightmares play in shaping our lives, and the way our lives play in shaping our nightmares.
Check out Sparkle here:
And this lovely and supportive magazine here:
January 2024
Kill Switch (1400 words)
Bewildering Stories accepted Kill Switch (reprint, previously published in Sci Fi Lampoon Magazine)
Kill Switch is a short humorous piece of flash fiction about a hung over, down on her luck peace-keeper confronted with a crime on her very doorstep.
Check out Kill Switch in Bewildering Stories here: and more from this issue here:
November 2023
Brother's Keeper (6000 words)
Dragon Soul Press' brand new anthology Magick and Mystery features my new short story Brother's Keeper.
Brother's Keeper is a grimmer, bleaker piece of dark fantasy. How do we manage the darker elements of our nature? What if we lived in a world where the management of our shadow selves was outsourced? What power or vulnerability would this create?
Link to buy this anthology here (all countries):
Or in Australia here:
Learn more about this publisher here:
December 2023
Last Job (3000 words)
This fabulous Aotearoa New Zealand Magazine published my as yet unpublished piece Last job in their special Speculative Fiction (sci fi/fantasy) Issue, issue 20.
Last Job is a darker slower piece about cycles and endings and the choices and roles we play. Are we the heroes in our own stories? Or do we see ourselves as characters in another's story?
Check out Last Job and other beautiful spec fic pieces from Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand authors here:
This magazine is FREE to read:
November 2023
There were a few delays with the release date of this project but it is OUT NOW
Buy this anthology here (in Australian):
And here:
Publisher information here:
November 2023
Lovely (2000 words)
Not One Of Us Magazine has accepted one of my pieces for publication: 1st October 2023
*(Sensitivity warning on this one - details on sensitivity warning page)
This magazine is having some difficulties with their website/FB page. Details on how to BUY this magazine here:
July 2023
Heaven Sent (800 words) REPRINT
Metastellar is a fantastically supportive magazine that produces professional, quality anthologies and work. They are also a dream to work with. As a reader and a writer, I cannot recommend this magazine enough.
I was lucky enough to have a piece in their Best Of Metastellar Year One. Imagine my delight when one of my pieces that they published in 2022 made it into the BEST OF YEAR TWO!
BUY this fabulous anthology here:
25 August 2023
Neighbours (1000 words) REPRINT
I am thrilled to announce one of my favourite and also one of my very FIRST short stories has been published as a re-print by Metastellar!
Neighbours, a 1000 word fantasy piece, is based in my "Hell-Colony" world. I have other published (Hell-Bound, Life Lesson) and unpublished short stories based in this world. I also have completed and partially completed novels and novellas based in this world :-)
This time around Neighbours is FREE to read (previously in an anthology).
Check out Neighbours here:
Check out this fabulously supportive and professional looking spec fic magazine here:
17 August 2023
Life Lesson (1800 words)
Brand NEW piece, published through Teleport Magazine (this magazine has unfortunately closed November 2023)
This is another amusing, modern feel fantasy short story. What is DIFFERENT about this piece is... I liked it SO much I have written a whole NOVEL based on these characters!
Link to this piece no longer available.
13 August 2023
Bone White (2500 words)
Brand NEW piece, published through Andromeda Spaceways Magazine
This piece was shortlisted for a chance for publication toward the end of 2022. To my absolute delight, they accepted my piece!
To my further amazement, my piece Bone White inspired the cover art for this issue :-) WOW! I love it.
Andromeda Spaceways Magazine Issue #91 is out NOW.
Buy this magazine here:
Find out MORE about this magazine here:
April 2023
Up From the River (10 000 words). Bards and Sages Quarterly Magazine.
My longest published short story and the piece with the shortest publication journey! Up From the River has a faerytale/fantasy vibe to it and has been published by this gorgeous magazine:
Buy this magazine here:
20 March 2023
Into The Blue (2500 words). Magazine: Last Girls Club Magazine
My first attempt at "lit fic" (with supernatural elements). A feminist horror piece, my first published by this gorgeous magazine:
*There are sensitivity/trigger warnings with this piece. Detailed here:
You can buy this magazine here (PDF):
And here (hard copy):
March 2023
Affordable Resurrection (1600 words)
Brand NEW piece, published through Teleport Magazine (this magazine unfortunately closed November 2023)
Link no longer available.
Lost (50 words) (Full story here)
Light etched the mountain’s spine, mist ribboned the open blades of ravines. Mary dragged bloodied nails down grooves in soft plastic. A dark house winged her back. Bare feet chilled cold nests of dew-soaked grass. Each breath hung, a fading wisp. The mountain trailed distant threads of sound:
(Comp rules: 50 words or less, must include the words spine, open and wisp)